The Bible

We believe that ‘The Bible’ is the written word of God. Although, the scriptures were written by different human authors, 2 Timothy 3:16 teaches that all scripture is “God breathed and is inspired by God”. As we take the time to read the scriptures, we see God’s holy, unchanging, faithful, gracious and loving character, ‘coming to life’ through the scriptures that we read.

We believe that as you read the bible, that your life will truly be changed forever.

Where do you start?

If you are new to the bible, a great place to start reading is with the ‘gospels’ which are 4 parallel accounts of Jesus’s life written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

After reading the Matthew, Mark, Luke and John we suggest reading the following books:

  • Acts

  • Philippians

  • Ephesians

  • Colossians

As you begin to navigate your way through the bible, if you have any questions, feel free to book an appointment with one of our chaplains and we would love to help in anyway we can.

You can also check out some scriptures that are relevant for each of the subjects below.

Do you have a bible?

If you don’t own a bible, we would love to give you one as a free gift. Please drop into one of our Chaplaincy Hubs, or contact us for more information.
